Sample Books

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URI 1952.63.355 and URI 1952.64.127 Sample books assembled by Franklin Cushman c.1917 through the 1930s. 


Textile fragment from sample book


Franklin included the comment "probably for slave gowns."

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Textile fragment of homespun linen from the pocket of Abigail Chandler, Susan Williams Crouch's grandmother

As a teacher of history and industrial design, Franklin Cushman was interested in the development of the textile industry in New England.  He created these sample books utilizing the garments in his family’s trunks to cut swatches.  Many of the swatches collected inside the sample books have notations in Franklin’s handwriting stating the possible history behind the fabrics and their potential use, such as “slave gowns” or “pockets.” These fabrics can be found in other areas of the collection, like those found on the hexagonal quilts.

Katy Williams-O'Donnell

Sample Books